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Welcome Message From MMCS School Board

Thank you for visiting the Milwaukee Modern Chinese School (MMCS) website. We hope that you find it both interesting and informative. We will update the site regularly with information related to the MMCS community. Academic excellence at MMCS is founded on a partnership between students, staff, and parents. MMCS strives to meet the unique developmental needs of students at all levels (students from K to 12, and professionals). Students are grouped into small classes, where supportive, mutually respectful relationships flourish. Extra-curricular classes are provided with emphasis on Chinese culture enrichment to accommodate various levels of interests and curiosity of our students. High expectations are held for all students to achieve high standards and to become lifelong learners. With over 210 registered students, MMCS is the largest Chinese school in the great Milwaukee area. While our classrooms are generously sponsored by Marquette University, our teachers, parents and volunteers are all engaged in efforts to provide a rewarding educational experience for our students. We encourage and welcome your interest in our educational programs!

MMCS School Board

2024-2025 Open Enrollment
Monday, August 19 @ 10:49:09 EDT by cmsadmin (368 reads)

Dear MMCS Students and Parents,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. We are pleased to announce that registration is now open. Classes are held every Sunday between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. at Lalumiere Language Hall of Marquette University. Language class is 2:00 - 4:00 pm and extra-curricular class is 4:00 - 5:00 pm. The first school day is 9/8/2024.  

Please complete your registration for the student by 9/1/2024 to get a $40 early bird discount in the language class tuition. The total tuition displayed on the invoice is for the entire school year. Follow this link http://www.mmcsweb.com/cms/index.php (Click 'Registration') to register. 


We offer the following seven extra-curricular classes this year. 

1.   AP Chinese – taught by Yongyan Liu

2.   Chess - taught by Ercan Ornek

3.   Dance I (5 - 7 years old) - taught by Grace Chen

  陈小雪 - 跳舞机构:North Shore Dance Studio. 11年的跳舞经验,从4岁就开始跳舞,曾多次参加全美各种跳舞比赛并荣获许多奖项。擅长舞种:爵士舞, 现代舞、芭蕾舞、踢踏舞, 和足尖舞。 教学理念:小雪老师热爱跳舞与教学,希望在循序渐进的教学过程中,以鼓励与肯定的方式,让孩子们能够认识舞蹈、感受跳舞的快乐、进而对舞蹈产生兴趣和爱好。

  Grace Chen is with North Shore Dance Studio. She has 11 years of dancing experience and been dancing since she was 4 years old. She has participated in various dance competitions across the United States, and won many awards. Specialized in dance styles: Jazz, Contemporary, Ballet, Tap, and Pointe.  Grace loves dancing and teaching, and hopes that through encouraging her students, they can grow to love and feel the joy of dance.

 4.   Dance II (8 – 12 years old) - taught by Na Li

   李娜 - 毕业于北京 舞蹈学院,曾任北京现代音乐研修学院芭蕾舞基训课教师,曾任西安歌舞剧团舞蹈演员 ,代表作《秦》。 曾任西安Flamingo艺术培训学校中国 舞教师 。擅长教授中国古典舞、民族民间舞、芭蕾基训课、软开基本功 。有10年儿童及青少年舞蹈授课、成人舞蹈培训经验,以及多年的编舞经验

Na Li, graduated from Bei Jing's Dancing College. Specializes in teaching Chinese ethnic folk dance, Chinese classical dance, ballet training class, and soft opening basic skills. Has been educating children and teenagers dance, and adult dance training for ten years. Former Chinese dance teacher of Xi'an Flamingo Art Training School and dancer of Xi'an Song and Dance Troupe, representative work "Qin". Has plentiful experience in choreography and teaching.

5.   Drawing – taught by Xiaoling Xie

      本课程由浅入深教授学生彩铅画的基本技巧和表现方法。通过彩铅绘画培养学生的观察力、想象力、审美意识和艺术修养。教学内容主要包括:1、学习彩铅绘画的构图,色彩搭配等基本知识和技巧。2、学习用彩铅画静物、花卉、动物和人物肖像等。学生需自备绘画工具:1、绘画本或者彩铅绘画纸 224色彩色铅笔一套 3一支2B铅笔和一个橡皮擦

6.   Erhu 二胡 taught by Bing Yao (Bring your own instrument)

7.   Photography, Film, and Chinese diaspora (摄影,电影与海外华人) – taught by Yinan Wang  (周日2点到4点上课,欢迎任何对摄影感兴趣的朋友)

      Yinan Wang 出生并成长于北京,最初在中国从事民族志影视创作,随后移居美国。其作品曾在PBS(公共广播电视公司)播出,并在美国、加拿大、奥地 利、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙和中国的多个地方展映。2018年,获得了HBO颁发的Emerging Voices Award,随后在2024年获得了Sikay Tang Critical Lens Award和Cream City Cinema评审团奖。

  这门课会覆盖所有基础与进阶的相机原理。在此基础之上我们还会讨论古典与当代美学如何应用在影像媒介当中。这门课不仅是一门图片摄影课,电影和纪录片的放映和讨论也是课程的一部分,鼓励大家拿起相机进行创作课程框架比较灵活,更像是一个沙龙,目的就是利用周末的时间给大家提供一个交流平台和创作动机。这学期从20249月开始到2025年春节结束。课程安排是周日2点到4点,但不是每个周日都上课。具体课程安排看syllabus。 计划在春晚现场办一次摄影比赛,本课唯一的作业就是每位同学选择一幅自己喜欢的照片参加比赛。


 Tuition Payment 

The tuition for the whole school year (32 school weeks) is as below:

Language: $420 (regular)/$380 (early bird)

Extra curriculum: $200

 Cash:  Pay cash at school on the 1st school day.

 Check:  Please make the check payable to: MCCC and put down student name and class name in the memo. Please pay on the 1st school day on site or send the check to:


 PO BOX 664

 Brookfield, WI 53008-0664


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Monday, August 19 @ 09:41:18 EDT by cmsadmin (252 reads)

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Monday, August 19 @ 09:41:05 EDT by cmsadmin (207 reads)

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Monday, August 19 @ 09:40:55 EDT by cmsadmin (243 reads)

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Monday, August 19 @ 09:39:52 EDT by cmsadmin (233 reads)

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